Monday, February 14, 2011

Benefits of fish oil for making heart health - prevent heart attacks and premature death Omega 3

Did you know that you can prevent sudden death by taking the health of the heart of fish oil? Studies have shown that Omega-3 in this essential oil help to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Apart from the heart maintain healthy Omega 3 also helps improve the functions of the brain such as cognition, concentration and learning ability. It is also useful for those with arthritis, diabetes type 2 and chronic inflammation. Therefore, it is important that we have the right amount of Omega 3, that our body needs every day.

Unfortunately, the human body is not equipped to make this essential fatty acids. Thus, we get food and taking supplements. Fish is the best source of Omega 3, but also contains a lot of toxins due to pollution in the oceans; Therefore, our best option is to take fish oil supplements.

So, how does oily fish for heart health really work?

* It reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good (HDL)

* It lowers triglycerides

* It reduces high blood pressure

* Preventing thickening of the arterial walls

* It thins the blood and prevent it from sticking together to form clots

By the functions above vital fish oil helps reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, thereby reducing the risk of premature death due to cardiovascular disease. In fact, the American Heart Association has confirmed their support for supplements of Omega 3, because numerous studies have shown that they are useful for maintaining good cardiovascular health.

Researchers have discovered it's Omega-3 DHA that really counts for most of the benefits we get; It is converted to an anti-inflammatory substance called Resolvine D2, which reduces inflammation in the body. It is important to note that most diseases including cardiovascular disease and even cancer are caused by chronic inflammation.

Therefore, the best heart health fish oil should contain the right amount of DHA, which is at least 250 mg per 1000 mg capsule. To avoid contamination by toxic substances, you find a supplement which is purified by molecular distillation. This method is proven to separate oil toxins to make it safe and pure.

You should always remember that you also derive other health benefits for the taking of fish for heart healthy oil. It stimulates the immune system and generally keep you healthy. For more information on Omega-3 and how to select the best supplement, visit my Web site.

Discover the best oil of fish for heart health today.

If you seriously stay healthy, happy and dynamic, visit my website to learn more about supplement oil Omega 3 fish which will help keep your body and your mind active and young people.

Didi Dyke is a dedicated health researcher who likes to share information on their research results.

Article Source:

Didi Dyke - EzineArticles Expert Author

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