Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best coffee - Get going in the morning and throughout the day

Many people wish there was something better than coffee to go ahead with the morning. Those who drink coffee all day, experiencing sleep problems, irritability and nerves. However, used correctly, coffee and caffeine in it is not a harmful drink. Yet, what could be better than your daily (or hourly) Cup moka Java or blend small lunch is a product that provides the brain with real food, a stimulant effect that lasts all day without stigma "let-down" of caffeine consumption. And there is a supplement that will provide this real nutrition.

Guarana, or guaranine, may prevent fatigue and increase your physical ability to work or activity.

South America is that it contains fatty acids. The presence of these oils makes the release of the slow and effective guaranine over a period of hours. There is therefore no spike mental activity, you accelerate abnormally.

While caffeine also stimulates the brain work, it also exhausts the neurotransmitter was the trigger. What will follow is thought waned.

This transmitter, acetylcholine, depends on your intake of choline, to be manufactured in your brain. Choline is so important that your brain will take from other tissues of the body if necessary. But this is not a good thing. It causes memory loss, brain fog, sleep problems, an unsteady gait and lack of balance. All conditions that see us in the elderly.

So if you add guaranine and choline together, you get this wonderful awake effect naturally. Choline is also associated with reduced risk of heart attack and stroke.

There is yet another coup de pouce cause an even better result. DMAE has been shown to increase IQ, mental clarity and sometimes even relieve mild depression.

View the original article here

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