Everybody knows supplements of vitamins, minerals, hormonal, natural against hazardous chemicals. Do you know zinc supplements? Twenty percent of the world population is deficient in zinc, according to the United Nations. The human body uses zinc in almost all functions, form new cells in the fight against bad breath. Unfortunately, today, diets and medications, virtually the only way to get enough is from zinc supplements. So, let's find you need zinc.
There are several conditions that can be improved or even avoided thanks to the addition of a supplement of zinc in your diet. Zinc deficiency can cause or contribute to:
Immunities poor ?
? female and male infertility
Slow growth of ? children and delayed puberty
? Loss of taste and smell sense
? affected by tinnitus hearing
Dermatitis and skin problems ?
? Degeneration of the Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's disease patients
Little memory ?
? Bad learning in children
? Low attention span in children (often diagnosed as Attention deficit disorder)
? Balding in men and women (known as alopecia)
Osteoporosis ?
Chronic fatigue ?
? diarrhea
Hypothyroidism ?
Zinc is many things to the human body because it is present in every cell. Your skin, cells of the brain, blood, organs and reproductive tract all need a healthy level of zinc supplements. Healthy zinc levels will be:
? Stimulating your immune system
Calcium absorption ? increase, making it stronger teeth and bones
? night vision improve or restore
? of blood sugar level
? Improve the functioning of the brain and help recovery from brain damage like stroke and Alzheimer's disease
? Stabilize your digestive system
Number of sperm increase ?
? Stimulating function of interferon for the treatment of hepatitis c
? Heal and correct skin such as dermatitis and Acrodermatitis enteropathica
? Increase in appetite for those with anorexia nervosa
? Help the immunities of children suffering from sickle cell disease
Not only do you receive enough zinc in your daily diet, zinc, you receive is blocked or diluted by other medicines that can take you. You will need a supplement of zinc if you take:
? pills and hormone replacement therapy
? osteoporosis drugs
Drugs for heart ?
? insulin or other diabetic medications
? Drug against epilepsy
Calcium supplements ?
Magnesium supplements ?
Zinc supplements have a slight metallic taste. If you cannot taste, probably unnecessary there. You can indicate if you get too zinc if any taste of metal, or bitter taste. Main side effects of a zinc overdose are problems of taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and an inability to absorb copper.
? 15 mg per day is sufficient, if at a different time of other drugs.
? Increase your dosage 20 mg every two hours if you fight infection
A small dose of zinc supplements can provide revolutionary results to your overall health.
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