Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Health benefits of vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) - the Importance of vitamin B6 in your diet.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine is a member of the B complex vitamins. It provides the body with an appropriate balance of sodium and potassium and promotes the production of red blood cells.

It is associated with the maintenance of a healthy heart by preventing the formation of homocysteine, a substance which causes severe damage to blood vessel linings and results in the build up to the plate as the body tries to repair the damage.

Vitamin B6 prevents build up of plaque on the walls of blood vessels, minimizing the risk of a heart attack. It has the capacity to reduce the rate of cholesterol, hypertension and prevents blood platelets from sticking each other.

This is a key element in the production of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine, important elements of pyridoxal phosphate.

Capacity of vitamin to convert tryptophan to serotonin could be the reason why it is known to increase the ability to recall dreams. It is also responsible for making a person feel better after experiencing sadness and depression resulting in good humour and positive disposition.

One study showed obtained through the diet or by taking supplements of vitamin B6 can greatly reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease. The authors of the study pointed out that this analysis is limited to smokers.

Vitamin B6, in combination with magnesium, is known for being a good autism treatment option, but more research is needed to prove this claim. This combination is also known to treat disorder ADHD or ADHD showing improvements in the hyperactive behavior and performance in school activities.

It is also beneficial for women by promoting balance in hormone fluctuations and strengthening their immune system.

Pyridoxine deficiency may lead to problems of skin, sores in the mouth, anemia, convulsions and nervous disorders. It also causes the sensitivity to monosodium glutamate or MSG, which is a common food aroma. Reaction can cause bodily pain, headaches, tingling in arms and hands, nausea and vomiting.

First of all, those who are deficient in vitamin B6 are subject to the carpal syndrome, a disorder characterized by pain and a tingling sensation felt in the hand after deformation of the wrist in a repetitive manner.

The most important role of vitamin B6 is to assist and strengthen the action of other enzymes that are primarily involved in metabolic processes of the body such as fat, glucose and amino acids, histamine metabolism and synthesis of neurotransmitters, hemoglobin production and expression of genes.

This role is actively carried out by a substance found in vitamin B6 called pyridoxal phosphate.

Vitamin B6 is usually safe when taken as part of the recommended dosage. An overdose of vitamin B6 can damage the sensory nerves that can result in neurological disorders, such as numbness and imbalance in the hands and feet and difficulty walking.

Symptoms may include muscle numbness, lack of motor coordination, decreased sensitivity to touch, extremes of temperature and vibration and feeling of tiredness that persists for many years.

Other manifestations of vitamin B6 is a skin disease resembling dermatitis seborrhic, conjunctivitis or eye Rose, atrophic glossitis with ulceration, intertrigo and confusing symptoms and neuropathy.

Vitamin B6 can be taken in tablet, capsule or solution. It can also be used as an injectable or nasal spray.

Foods rich in vitamin b6 include meat, chicken, vegetables, nuts, beans, legumes, brans and whole grains and seeds.

View the original article here


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